Core team is 9 people + 1 robot with full stack of competences in sales, advertising and production.
In cases when when competencies outside of our experience range are required, we partner with external top service providers, agencies, artists.
Core team is 9 people + 1 robot with full stack of competences in sales, advertising and production.
In cases when when competencies outside of our experience range are required, we partner with external top service providers, agencies, artists.
The average age of our core team is 41.
The average experience in the industry 17,5 years, with few members building internet projects since 1998.
They are handpicked, award-winning monsters who have already made 97,58 % of all possible mistakes while building Dot Coms and Web 2.0 for other clients.
During last 25 years we have built a network of trustworthy suppliers ranging from AI to scientists.
Each time we evaluate competences needed for a certain task and build a team and processes accordingly.
100+ awards at international advertising, technology, and innovation festivals, including Young Cannes Lions, Golden Joystick, Europrix, Golden Hammer, Golden Spiders, Swedish Business Awards, Adrenalinas, White Square and others.
These awards include titles such as Grand Prix, Agency of the Year, Product of the Year, and personal award by the President Of Lithuania for “Growing a generation of innovative companies”.
20+ have served as jury members or heads of digital jury at international advertising festivals.
5 projects a year. We often say “No” to a project, but when we do take one on, we grind-grind-grind to achieve objectives.
No push to grow business takes off a great deal of stress, overhead, noise and multitasking.
For clarity, the full mechanics are presented below. Depending on the case, it may include the full process or specific components. For example, working with a B2B sales team would be one approach, while working with a B2C digital production would be a different approach.
Free audit of present sell paths.
Result: go / no-go with client.
Interested? Contact us or fill form here.
Result: sell path map with improvement ideas
Often this stage goes as a separate project.
Result: Ideas turned into projects.
Result: detailed project concepts.
To name a few
Result: project implementation.
Result: project tine-tuning.
Facilitation of systemic growth of sales structures with an organisation:
Result: Buildup of competences, processes, values.
We measure the results and, as needed, repeat the cycle described above.
Result: Constant work to improve the efficiency of the mechanism of sales and advertising.
Click to check our Case studies or contact us